I’m not sure what this means

I’m not sure what this means

God is in the body not as you will, but as She wills. — Max Shüpbach I found this quote a while ago and kept the file open. So, it must be important. This morning I decided to get to the bottom of it. I closed my eyes and instantly got a jarring awareness. The Goddess...
The ego, the witch and the pilgrimage…

The ego, the witch and the pilgrimage…

I did some automatic writing this morning because the non-automatic kind –where we muscle ourselves into the chair and stare at a white screen and cry and sweat– was blocked. It only took two seconds for the answer: Ego. Of course my ego is the block....
Whose Belly?

Whose Belly?

A smart friend said, “I like your blog. But, why Belly Witch?” How did I not know to start out with that? Here it is. Belly Witch is a reaction to the labeling some witchy/shaman-ish friends started offering up several years ago. Urban, Kitchen, Moon, Sun...
New Moon

New Moon

How do you feel today on the new Moon? There are stereotypes about how the moon phases make us feel, but it’s different for everyone. For me, New Moon feels like possibility. For you, it might be a blank slate, a down time or something else. Some of us...
Full August Moon

Full August Moon

“I’m never going to be a Witch,” a friend wrote me after my first post. That’s groovy. She already has powerful magic. Writers are supposed to have an “ideal audience” and she’s definitely part of mine. She’s a seeker, giver, gentle and fierce; someone who has tried...
Seasonal Magic

Seasonal Magic

Once I was a minister. Now I am a Witch. I am free and out of the broom closet. But if I had gotten out of the box of patriarchy’s religion sooner, things would’ve been different. But more on that another time. Today is July 31st, Lammas Eve and I want to...